How to crush Facebook Dynamic Remarketing for Shopify?

Tomasz Pasko
1 min readMay 6, 2019
How does remarketing work?

To every owner of an e-commerce store. If you’re running a store and don’t do remarketing — you’re leaving a lot of money on the table.

Proper configuration of remarketing campaigns can bring you as much as 12$ in revenue from 1$ in ad spend.

It won’t work for new stores but if your store has some traction it’s a perfect solution to convince past visitors to purchase from you.

Why remarketing is so effective? Because you’re targeting people who already know your brand, visit your store. You can even target people who were so close to purchasing (people who added to cart or initiated checkout but didn’t convert).

How to crush Facebook Dynamic Remarketing? What type of ads should you serve to the people who visited your site? Learn this and much more in this short video.

About Tomasz: Hi! Nice to see you here. I am the founder of where we focus on growing e-commerce stores working on Shopify. From time to time I am writing about our strategies, tactics, failures and successes. Hope to see you here more often.

